Zero to Zen

/ZEN/ involves dropping illusion and seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts

No Mind

To all of you who follow my blog, you are the blood of these veins. You keep me going!
Those who seek a teacher will find treasure… If you hold a question in your heart, if you’re seeking wisdom or direction; Meditate on it. Be open and flexible to what translates into your spirit. Just like the word tells us: seek me and you shall find me. The treasures we have available to us are incredible and unexplainable. Sit in your quiet place, hold onto your question, desire (whatever it is you seek), let it dance behind that space in your heart where your deep breaths give you relief. Release it as you mediate on it. It sounds contradictory, but as you allow your mind to get out of the way, the power of God’s spirit in your life will come to fruition.

My Sensei in karate teaches us to practice what is called “no mind.” Feeling through life, making decisions without your thoughts or allowing direction to come not from your own mind or ideas (which we tend to screw things up) but allowing the energy to flow and guide you.

Today’s practice : remember to breathe, add a new habit to your life that brings peace, calm, and clarity. Take ten deep breaths at three different times throughout your day. This practice Increase oxygen intake, releases a hormone that promotes regeneration, improves digestion.

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and the blogging begins

Lets jump right into this head first, I am imaging myself with the attitude of a confident swimmer on the diving board first day back to training for the season. My eyes are closed, I’m practically running for the edge of the diving board hoping at the moment when my toes leave contact, that God will just carry me the rest of the way. But that is the difference here, between me and the over confident swimmer whose ran to be first to the edge to jump right in. The swimmer proceeds with faith in himself and confidence in his talent and strength even after an off season. For me, well I am going to completely let go and pray the whole way down that the dive isn’t completely embarrassing or worse, counterproductive in heading toward to ultimate goal. Are you curious yet to what we are diving right into? I am inviting you to jump with me, or rather watch me jump into a journey of faith. Reentering the blogging world for me is going to be a grand journey. Like the swimmer, starting a new season of training, growth and endurance. The water represents is the act of sharing everything with you. All that I am about to expose here in my blog might be entertaining at times, intriguing, inspiration and uplifting. Don’t be afraid to ask questions make suggestions or leave a comment. Coming soon….new recipes, DIY ideas, the life of a housewife, faith and more.

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