Zero to Zen

/ZEN/ involves dropping illusion and seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts

Changing the Chanel in Your Mind

ImageThe last speech I wrote in my public speaking class was a persuasive speech. Here is my outline I used as I stood in front of my classmates motivating them to do something huge yet so simple.

Changing the Channel in Your Mind

By Paulina Cruz

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the power of our mind.

Central idea: To inform my audience how to create an extraordinary authentic life by understanding the power of our mind,
controlling our thoughts, and channeling our brain energy

I was screaming crying and begging for my mom to find me. I felt so alone and it was dark. It felt like hours before she came to my rescue when according to the clock it was merely seconds. Mom took me from my bed and held me, asking for an explanation. I explained I heard noises in the closet and then saw something move and I was convinced I was suffocating. I hadn’t fallen asleep yet I was laying there worried about all the bad things that could happen to me in the dark.  My mom simply explained to me, “You need to learn to change the channel of your mind. It’s like a TV in there with many stations available and you have to choose the right ones.”  (Amy, 1997)

My mom had unlocked a secret that could give us all a special power to carry the rest of our life.

Later I discovered she was introducing this idea that I want to share with you today; how to create the life you want through choosing the thoughts you want.

I’ve developed an appetite for any book or any teaching I can get my hands on that teaches this philosophy. I’ve been on my own journey discovering how to master my mind through my spiritual faith and personal practices.

Today am going to inform you how to create an extraordinary authentic life. First we will take a quick look at how our minds can control our emotions, how our mind is a map, then the energy that comes from our thoughts, and finally how to become the master of your own mind to start the journey of a life you love.


Thoughts can run and ruin our emotions.

  1. Before we experience an emotion it starts in a relay race of our mind.
  2.  First our mind assumes a response to the situation, and then passes on the message to release a reaction in our body.
    1. You’ve experienced this when you have a sexual thought and immediately you are aroused. Your mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and thought. So in your minds reality, it’s necessary to begin a sexual response even though nothing in front of you is physically arousing.
  3. Thinking about positive things releases positive emotions and when we have positive emotions, or hormones like endorphins, our bodies function at a much higher optimal point.
    1. Our senses are sharpened; we think clearer, we have more energy and our creative energy increases.

 Most people think being able to read minds would be incredible, let’s look at how reading our own minds could be just as powerful.

 The road map to our fate starts in the map of our mind determining our steps.

  1. When we have habitual thoughts our mind can actually become addicted to that thought.
  2. Each thought has a specific pathway that has been carved into your mind like a map.
    1. As you start to think something or learn something over and over again it’s carved into your memory like a tire leaves a track in mud. The more the tire traces over the same spot the deeper the divot.
    2. The habit of a negative thought endangers the outcome of your emotions because as these thoughts become more frequent, it becomes truth in your mind.
      1. For example, I am ugly I am ugly I am ugly, leads to excuses to not develop beauty.
      2. Lets’ not become slaves to our thoughts, instead let’s be able to navigate what happens next in our mind.

 Our thoughts are messengers of energy that deliver results in our life.

  1. If our thoughts are positive or negative this energy is going to feed our body either one or the other.
    1. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to be manifesting bad energy when I desire peace in my life.
    2. Brian Johnson from says it like this, “When you expect your life to be small and sucky, you will get what you expect. Your real enemies are the self-defeating thoughts, paltry expectations, and beliefs that you must live at less than full throttle.”(Johnson, 2012)
    3. When our mind is crowded with noise and negative energy, then that is the way we see ourselves and the world.
      1. “We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” (Buddha, 2010)

 Now that we have seen that your mind literally can generate a chain reaction of good energy or bad energy and how our mind can determine our direction, let us unfold how to master our minds.

You can master your mind just like you can build muscle in the gym.

  1. Meditation is a work out of the mind, or rather a work in where you learn to control each movement of your thoughts.
  2. Control your mind through mediation by quieting your mind, and by not allowing any thoughts to float in and if they do, not attaching to them.
    1. This practice creates an awareness that when it becomes a habit will allow you to turn away from unwanted thoughts.
  3. You can live through your heart not your mind.
    1. Pay attention to the motions of your heart and not what your thoughts persuade you this will lead to your life being led by a master piece of wisdom not that map of wrong turns we talked about.
  4. Make it intentional every day to practice watching your thoughts.
    1. Be keenly aware of what goes on in your mind throughout the day.
    2. Catch damaging thoughts before they happen and purposefully replace them with a positive.

We have learned a lot together today about the power of our thoughts and how to create an authentic life through this power, but before I leave you today I want you to remember these things.


  1. If you don’t change the road map in your mind you become a slave to your thoughts and lose the ability to liberate your own unique intelligence. Our head may be attached to our neck and it may also contain our brain, but our thoughts which reside inside are the fuel for our fate. You can change this channel, only you hold the remote and the power to create a fantastic energy to direct your life. Mastering your mind through meditation or simply being aware of the power you hold to create a new thought pattern can allow you to become the person you want to be and create the life you want to life.
  1.  Just like my mom was trying to suggest when I was a child, control your thoughts…control your destiny.


Grubin, David. “The buddah.” PBS. National Endowment of the Humanities, 2010. Web. 5 Dec. 2013. <;.

Johnson, Brain. “Why Your Life Sucks.” Experience Life. N.p., June 2012. Web. 5 Dec. 2013. <;.

Nadine, Amy. Personal interview. 1997.


Speech I wrote about the miracles of Coconut Oil

This was the first speech I wrote in my public speaking class. Hope you enjoy and learn something!

Coconut Oil

It was the first day of August three summers back. I had just moved from Washington State to California to be with my dad and grandpa. My grandpa, who I call Papa Don, had convinced me to move in with them to start a new life. I was sitting in the kitchen of my new home now as my Papa made me the first breakfast of my new life. I started to explain to him the health problems I was suffering: severe cystic acne, loss of hair, fatigue, digestive problems and constant flu like symptoms. As he scrambled my eggs he handed me a spoon overflowing with this this foggy white mass he said, “Eat this, you need to know what true health feels like. This is going to start to detox you from the inside out. I used this as my main healer when I was diagnosed with cancer, and look at me know!”  He proudly flaunted his cancer free healthy self.  Since that day, well you can see my acne is gone, I no longer have chunks of missing hair and my energy is phenomenal.

Today I want to inform you about how coconut oil can benefit your health internally and externally.

For the past two years I have studied holistic health, read numerous books on clean eating and natural healing, and dove into the beauty industry where I got my esthetician license so that I could help people with their skin care. I now work for a plastic surgeon where I assist people with topical solutions to their skin care needs as well as advice on how to improve their skin by taking care of their internal health. Since my own health struggles began to improve with that first taste of coconut oil in the kitchen with my grandpa, I have been searching to find out more about this oil as a cure so that I can help others discover what it’s like to know true health.

Before today you may have heard of coconut oil as something in your curry dish or an ingredient at the grocery store but after today you will see why many are using it for more than their main course and even applying it to their face. To better understand Coconut oil, let us look at three benefits, through its internal health effects, ways to use it topically and its healing capabilities.

Let’s start by looking at the nutritional prosperity of coconut oil.

Using this oil in your diet or taking it by the tablespoon is beneficial to your internal health in many ways

.Coconut oil is a source of healthy fat that is good for your blood and the functioning of organs. The stigma about coconut oil in the past is that it’s bad because it’s a saturated fat which is known to contribute to heart disease. Bruce fife is the author of Coconut Oil Miracle; he’s a naturopathic doctor who studied this oil for the past 15 years. In his research he found medical studies that proved the value of coconut oil. He explains that “Coconut oil is a kind of saturated fat containing lauric acid which is a medium chain fatty acid…(which is also found in mothers milk) this saturated fat doesn’t cause heart disease in fact it does the opposite…it prevents clogging in the arteries by repairing inflammation and promoting circulation.” (Bruce Fife, interview with Sean Croxton 2011)

This oil has a worldwide respected reputation, commonly in hospitals to feed infants and children with mal-absorption difficulties; it is also found in numerous infant foods.

This is a source of brain food and important for their brain development providing nutrients similar to mothers breast milk. Since the brain is made up of mostly fat and the neuron tissue in the brain is made up of 95% fat we can see why this is crucial. Coconut oil also is very important to the proper function of hormones. In my interview with Eric Cruz who has his M.A in Nutrition health and fitness and a BA in kinesiology, he informed me that, “Many of today’s common diseases are the product of dysfunction with hormone actions. The Body needs fat and cholesterol for sex hormones. Coconut oil is in the most stable form of fat, it’s a precursor for the production of hormones so it’s vital to hormone regulation and function.”(Eric Cruz, interview) You too could reap these benefits by simply trying this; taking a tablespoon in the middle of your day to increase your energy without leaving you with a caffeine crash. It stimulates metabolism, supports functions of the thyroid and in turn boosts your energy.

Now that you know about the nutritional value of coconut oil, let’s unfold its value in detoxing.

Coconut oil fights illness and disease with its characteristics including antiseptic, antibiotic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. “In the central American country of Panama, people are known to drink coconut oil by the glass to help themselves overcome sickness.”(The coconut Oil Miracle, p.7) It’s made of triglycerides that when in the process of digestion, they are broken apart and activated as detoxifying agents while still promoting good stomach flora. So for example let’s imagine you have a suns infection, mono, or even ring worm. If you were to consume 2-3 TBS of coconut oil, as soon as it starts to digest in your stomach it activates this antiviral anti fungal effect. Taking 3TBS daily is the amount suggested while trying to rid of any unwanted bad bacteria in your body.

Oil pulling therapy is a method that Dr. Mercola teaches about as an oral detox that comes from ancient Indian practices. Dr. Mercola has several degrees in the medical field including licensed osteopathic medicine, licensed Physician and surgeon and more. He was named the top Ultimate Wellness Game Changer by the Huffington Post and has been on multiple local news channels including Dr. Oz, CNN, Today show and more to educate viewers on healthcare issues. On his website Mercola explains that “Coconut oil is a powerful inhibitor of a large variety of pathogenic organisms…largely due to its naturally high lauric acid content.” With this information he paints a picture of how using this oil as an added part of your dental regimen, you can rid of any decay, viruses, and detox your body through the glands in your mouth. The research on this method by Mercola alone shows us the powerful benefits in coconut oil and that using it as a mouth wash daily is a great preventative tool.

So far we’ve unpacked this oils nutritional value, seen its detoxing value and even learned a few ways to utilize it in our lifestyle. Now let’s talk about using it from head to toe.

There are many topical benefits to applying coconut oil to your skin.

For those of you who have experienced dry cracking skin, coconut oil will soothe this irritation. With severely dry skin it can be an irritation in itself to find a cure, because most lotions are made of mostly water and dry up once they’re rubbed in or they just sit on top of the skin. If you apply a small amount of coconut oil to the dry area and massage it in, your skin will drink it up like the first rains in the desert. It doesn’t sit on the skin but it acts like a serum bringing moisture and nourishment to the cells. “Besides its nutritional value, pure coconut oil also makes a luscious and soothing massage and body oil for dry and or damaged skin.” ( Coconut oil can help your acne. Acneic skin is full of clogged pores and bacteria buildup, since this oil has antibacterial and antiviral properties like we discussed before, it can get rid of the bacteria. Unlike other oils this oil will not sit in and clog your pores. The calming affects help with the redness and inflammation. At first it can cause more acne because of what is called purging, the surfacing of imperfections from underneath; Coconut oil has detoxifying benefits so it brings out bacteria and cleanses the skin.

Now that the thought of rubbing plant oil all over your skin doesn’t seem so gruesome and the idea that using it as a cooking agent is even more of a reality, maybe you will explore ways to implement it into your own lifestyle.  I am confident that you’ve now been introduced to a few ideas on how to increase the quality of your life using this edible oil internally and topically. I hope that you continue to take control of your health by using some of these preventative strategies.


Gluten Free Protein Snack Balls

GF Protein snack Balls
Here is a snack that would be good post workout and in between meals.


1 cup almond butter (or any nut butter)
1 cup gluten free oats
1/2 over ripe banana smashed
1/4 cup honey
1 tsp cinomon or alspice
1/4 cup pumpkin pure
1/4 cup chia seeds
1/4 cup flax seed
1/4 cup coconut oil
optional: vanilla extract, 1/4 cup nuts
1 large scoop Vega Sport Performance protein powder
mix all ingredients together

Here is a link to the protein powder that I used

Mix all ingredients together. place in freezer for a few hours or over night. Form into balls and snack on! Enjoy. Keep in fridge to keep fresh!

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Why Zero to Zen?

>We live once. Maybe. Some people think we live over and over again. I believe we only have one chance… one chunk of time here on earth. Even if we do live more than once, I don’t remember any of my past lives so I am going to live like this is it and rock it! This blog, Zero to Zen is meant to inspire people, to create discussion, to give ideas and ultimately transmit an energy that can begin to spread like wildfire. I want this energy to be moving, to be creativity, abundance, laughter, joy, kindness, stillness, excitement, thought, and more. Let it be a guide to this one shot we have. This blog was birthed for Love, because of love and through love. I want to share with the world the gifts and wisdom God reveals to me. Let this be a place of growth. Let this be a place of life and rediscovering how to create your own authentic extraordinary journey! Let’s be connected to His spirit. I believe we need to declare over our lives everyday that we believe, that we desire His spirit and by pressing into God daily this way we discover a sweet space in our hearts along with many other unimaginable things!

The title Zero to Zen came to me when I was thinking of words that would relate to my theme, words that would attract a certain seeker, and a title that was short and sweet. My idea of Zen is a tranquil place, like the space in our hearts I just mentioned above. Its been a striving goal of mine to find Zen or create throughout very trying times in my life. This idea of Zen fascinates me as I learn and think about life. Zen to me is getting the sweetness out of life, it’s finding your bliss point, it’s believing in something so BIG that it changes you daily; to me it’s the stillness in the presence of God.

Then of course the idea of steps or a process or a countdown to lift off was the underlying theme I wanted to reader to feel when seeing my title then reading the posts. This process of steps and the anticipation to lift off is where I want my readers to dwell, to be challenged and inspired. Zero to Zen implies there is some routine or rather ritual to obtain this final destination of Zen. To me this is my ultimate purpose and joy in life, discovering ways to create a truly extraordinary authentic life through unveiling all the juicy stuff life has for us like zen.

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